All models on this site are either full or part time models with our company.

Our main business is finding hardcore and softcore modeling talent for private paying customers who want to purchase private shoots for their own collection. You will also be provided a copy of your material to use at your own discretion.

We make very good money doing this and only take a small percentage from you, the client. You keep 95% of your pay. Our 5% fee is minimal. We make our money off of sheer volume of clients, not a higher percentage of taking from them. 

Pay rates for hardcore nude video/photo shoots start out at $200-400/hr. PAID DAILY. This is a no brainer in regards to making quick cash! The other genres run from$50/hr and up depending on what the customer wants and if you are willing to provide the pictures.

If you are interested at this point you will need to contact us via Email or text so we can schedule a date and time for you to come in for a short interview and short casting shoot (usually an hour in length). This will help us determine if you are serious about getting into the business, and willing to basically do whatever it takes to reach your monetary goals before we make an investment in our time with you. All interviews and test shoots are done in the greater Savannah, Ga area. Make sure that you give us your real first and last name (Please spell out both also), a stage name if you have one, contact number and/Email, and what genre(s) are you interested in.

© 2018 SPS Adult Entertainment Modeling Agency. 
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